After submitting my application and paperwork to the nursing program, how will I know if I am accepted or not? 
  • Letters will be sent out to all applicants approximately six weeks after the deadline. 
Can I substitute a different entrance exam for the LVN Accuplacer test?
  • No. The Vocational Nursing program accepts only the modified version of the LVN Accuplacer test.
Can I take the LVN Accuplacer test at another college? 
  • No, since the vocational nursing program uses the modified version of the test, it must be taken at the Weatherford College Testing Center in Weatherford, Texas. 
How long is the waiting list for the nursing program? 
  • Weatherford College Nursing Department does not keep a waiting list. The class is selected on a point system. If applicant does not have enough points to be selected, applicant may need to take courses and/or retake LVN Accuplacer test to increase selection points; and then reapply to the nursing program. 
How many points does it take to be selected to the vocational nursing program? 
  • Every year is different. 
How many times can I take the entrance exams for the nursing program? 
  • You are allowed to take the LVN Accuplacer test once every thirty days. There is no testing in August. 
What if there is a tie in cumulative points, what is the tiebreaker? 
  • The tiebreaker for the vocational nursing program is the date and time the completed application is submitted.
What if I have a minor/major criminal background? 

Other Texas Board of Nursing FAQS Link: https://www.bon.texas.gov/students.asp



Tammi White
Vocational Nursing Program Secretary
(817) 598-6217


Number of Credits

  • 42

Vocational Nursing Certificate (PDF)