The Weatherford College Foundation is grateful for the financial support it receives
from alumni, friends, faculty, staff and businesses. This philanthropy has enabled
WC to continue its impact on thousands of students – a tradition we've upheld since
Champions ($50,000 and over)
Dr. Tom and Nancy MacKenzie
Benefactors ($10,000 to $49,999)
Roy and Jeannine Eaton
Ruel Hamilton
Herbert G. Feldman Charitable Foundation
Chris and Monica Hodges
Huckabee & Associates
JRJ Construction
Dr. Sumant and Sheela Kumar
Byron and Elaine Little
National Board for Respiratory Care
Jane Pritchard
Stephen and Jerry Reid Charitable Foundation
Ron and Stephanie Smith
Gary and Linda Snow
Kevin and Allison Tarmann
Vic Verstraete
Weatherford Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association
Bob and Carolynn White
Bruce and Laura Wiggs
Robert and Sammie Gay Neill Williams
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Aledo Ex-Students Association
Bad Enough to Wear Blue Foundation
Lin and Tiffany Bearden
Betty Jo Graber Estate
Dr. Joe and Evelyn Birmingham
Michael and Jamie Bodiford Brinkley
Dr. Veleda Boyd
Jean Cook
Verna Coomer
David and Becky Daniel
Donna Dickinson
Duane and Anita Durrett
Eggleston King, LLP
Eidson Family Charitable Foundation
First Bank Texas
First Financial Bank
Dale and Jo Ann Glenn
Paul and Cassy Gray
Heartsill Family Foundation
Imperial Construction
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Fred Krebs
Derek and Lonna Leach
Dr. Laura McBride
Dr. Barbara and Jim McGregor
Medical City Weatherford
Parker County Women's and Newcomers Club
Prosperity Bank
Marilyn St. Clair
Roger and Patty Williams
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Dr. Arleen Atkins
Elizabeth and Brent Baker
Hamid Bateni
John and Marilyn Bedwell
Pat Bowers
Dr. Subrahmanyam and Subhasshini Boyareddigari
Marvin Browder
Mark Byrd
John and Dr. Andra Cantrell
Jim and Myrlan Coleman
Community National Bank & Trust
Dr. Robert and Emily Cooper
Doug and Kristy Dowd
Stephanie Edwards
ExxonMobil Foundation
President Tod Allen Farmer
Dan Feely
Wayne and Sharon Garrett
Garrett Wealth Advisory Group
John and Cathy Gurica
Jacy Guynes State Farm Insurance
John and Karen Hinton
Chris Hlavinka
Don and Kim Hubbard
Melinda Mayes
Ron and Tammy McBee
North Side Baptist Church
Parker County Hospital District
Paul and Courtney Paschall
Weta Mince Phillips
Plains Capital Bank
Mark and Debby Riebe
Rotary Club of Weatherford
Roy & Martha Knight Foundation
Dr. Hyeyoung Song
Slade and Shannon Stoker
Mark and Brenda Tackett
Tarrant Construction Services, Ltd.
Texas Book Company
Twentieth Century Club of Weatherford
Matt and Staci Tyler
Weatherford Chapter Order of Eastern Star
Weatherford Optimist Club
Dr. Steven and Stacey Wood
Dr. Shannon Ydoyaga
Partners ($500 to $999)
Laurie Bruce
Kathy Byrd
Mitchell Cochran
Sierra Emerson
John and Myrna Fields
Barbara and Wendell Gibson
Gough Wealth Management
Jim Hardick
Jeremy Hunter
Dennis and Barbie Ledford
Roscoe and Jenny Miller
Arnold Pitchford
Dr. William and Paula Roddy
Edwin and Pat Seifert
Brenda Lee Stout-Powell
Dr. Scott Tarnowieckyi
Elizabeth Taylor
Joe and Karen Wilkinson
Joy Michelle Wilson
Cathy Zellers
Affiliates ($100 to $499)
Dr. Diann Ainsworth
Russ and Linda Authier
G.B., Arlene and Taylor Bailey
Greg and Claire Bassett
Kathy Boswell
Keith Bourland Family
Terry and Mickey Brooks
Ellie Broughton
Sheryl Brown
Dr. Noel Bryan
Paige Bufkin
Dan and Sandra Carney
Sue and David Casey
Challenge of Tarrant County
Cheryl Choban
Sam and Lisa Coody
Ruth Cox
Jessica Cundiff
Carrie Cutaia
Mark and Jo-Alice Davis
Dr. Nita Ellis
Ashley Eubanks
Stephenie Fields
Kevin Gaunt
Beverly and Jay Gibbs
Carolyn Glenn
Amanda Glidewell
Brenda Hagan
Carolyn Hamilton
Shane and Judy Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Jos Hlavinka, Jr.
Suzanne Jary
Betsy Jermstad
Margaret Johnson
Marta Johnson
Dr. Catherine Johnson
Mark and Janet Jones
Gary and Sharon Jordan
Phil and Kathryn Jordan
Franshele Laminack
Henry Lim
Rhonda Lindsey
Ben and Dora Long
Nina Maniotis
Dr. Philip Mathew
Pamela McCarter
Casey Mitchell
Jonniece Montgomery
Butch and Lela Morris
Charlotte Nelson
New Hope Baptist Church
Leah Newman
Michelle Owens
Parker County Active Democrats
Parker County Democratic Party
Parker County Master Gardeners Association
Parker County Texas Democratic Women
Evelyn and Leon Payne
Phillip and Joyce Leonard
Donald and Francis Plumlee
Sharlyn Poe
Rhonda Ray
Stephen Richardson
Veronica Sanchez
Debra Sears
Bob Shackelford
Cathy Simonds
Kathy and Karen Smith
Valerie and Don Sorensen
Lori Stalheber
Jared Stewart
Elizabeth Stewart
Marnita Stinnett
Jan and Lloyd Swiggum
Dr. Steve and Vicki Thomas
Joe and Patsy Tison
Dr. Don Tomas
Rhonda Torres
Frances Trussell
Dr. Bishnu Twanabasu
WC Health Sciences
Weatherford High School Class of 1953
Lauren Wolf
Wanda Woodruff
Supporters (up to $99)
Justin Allen
Anthony Bigongiari
Elissa Braswell
Billy Bruce
Marilyn Brumley
Scott and Melissa Butler
Tracy Carpenter
Jessalyn Chavez
Jake Coody
Dr. Deborah Cregger
Mable Davee
Jayne Dawson
Duncan Ely
Thomas Farmer
Tammy Feimer
Ryan Heckart
Troy Mars
Suzanne Marsden
Dawn Miller
Julie Moore
Pam Noland
Dr. Robert Phillips
Tom and Kathy Porter
Loydale Schmid
Melba and Lanny Schulz
Krysten Shavers
Nancy Shelton
Kelly Staub
Anita Tate
Keri Waller
N.L. Wester
Kathy Williams
Paul and Samie Williams
Billie Williams
Dinah Wren
Benefactors ($10,000 to $49,999)
Aledo Ex-Students Association
Tim and Tiffany Clark
Roy and Jeannine Eaton
Ruel Hamilton
Herbert G. Feldman Charitable Foundation
Huckabee & Associates
Huckabee Community Excellence Fund
Impact Mechanical
Imperial Construction
JRJ Construction
Parker County Retired School Personnel
Weta Mince Phillips
Southwest Ford
Richard and Nancy Stuart
Bob and Carolynn White/White's Funeral Homes
Robert and Sammie Gay Neill Williams
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Michael and Jamie Bodiford Brinkley
Dr. Robert and Emily Cooper/Ironworks Coffee
Jayne and Dan Curlee
David and Becky Daniel
Donna Dickinson
Marjorie Kimbrough Dome
Dr. Mark and Sarah Eidson
Dr. Tod Allen and Kathleen Farmer
First Bank Texas
Estate of Dorotha Guess
Chris and Monica Hodges
Sen. Phil King
Fred Krebs
Derek and Lonna Leach
Dr. Barbara and Jim McGregor
Sen. Tan Parker
Parker County Cruisers
Parker County Women's and Newcomers Club
Prosperity Bank
Rhodes Securities
Marilyn St. Clair
Carol and Doug Turpin
Congressman Roger and Patty Williams
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Dr. Arleen Atkins
Elizabeth and Brent Baker
Hamid Bateni
Isobel Farrar and George Bearden
Lin and Tiffany Bearden
BentOak Capital
Jack C. Blair
Dr. Veleda Boyd
Boyd Powers & Williamson
Brandt Companies
Dr. Andra Cantrell
Jim and Myrlan Coleman
Community National Bank & Trust
Jean Cook
Vickie and Jerry Durant
Michael Feely Memorial Scholarship
First Financial Bank
First Financial Trust
Paul and Cassy Gray
John and Cathy Gurica
Jacy Guynes State Farm Insurance
Pat and Sharon Hamilton
Dr. Luke and Ashtyn Haynes
John and Karen Hinton
HUB International
Don and Kim Hubbard
Benjamin King
Brian and DeeAnna Krier/Baker's Ribs
Lone Star Coaches, Inc.
Marvin Browder, Jr. Oil Co.
Ron and Tammy McBee
Medical City Weatherford
North Side Baptist Church
Paul and Courtney Paschall
Mark and Debby Riebe
Rosa's Café
Rotary Club of Weatherford
Roy and Martha Knight Foundation
Rep. David Spiller
Sen. Drew Springer
Rep. Lynn D. Stucky
Mark and Brenda Tackett
Bob and Kristen Tallman
Tarrant Construction
Texas Book Company
Dr. Bill Tommaney
Twentieth Century Club of Weatherford
United Rentals
Weatherford Optimist Club
Morris and Judy White
Bruce and Laura Wiggs
Joe and Karen Wilkinson
Partners ($500 to $999)
Gough Wealth Management
Gary and Jeanie Hobbs
Donna Tillman
Matt and Staci Tyler
Affiliates ($100 - $499)
Dr. Diann Ainsworth
Kathy and Gary Bassham
Bettye Beard
Bedwell Family LLC
Amy Beerwinkle
Katherine Boswell
Jeffery and Andrea Boutelle
Jimmy and Kay Briscoe
Scott Butler
Challenge of Tarrant Co.
Brenda Chandler
Don and Melinda Chrestman
Helen Cleveland
Mitchell Cochran
Beth Crooms
Jessica Cundiff
Carrie Cutaia
Jaci Edwards
Stephanie Edwards
John and Myrna Fields
Wendell and Barbara Gibson
Michelle Gist
Bruce Graber
Max Graber
Dr. Rickey and Judy Harman
Marcia Hendrix
Gary and Jeanie Hobbs
Lina Darlyne Hughes
Suzie Jary and Eric Pratt
Margaret Johnson
Mark and Janet Jones
Kiwanis Club of Weatherford
Henry Lim
Sai Liu
Courtney Love
Dr. Tom and Nancy MacKenzie
Dr. Philip Mathew
Pamela McCarter
Melissa McLean
Casey Mitchell
William and Jann Newton
Michelle Owens
Parker Co. Retired Teachers Association
Plains Capital Bank
Zan Prince
Susan Randall
Dr. William & Paula Roddy
Brenda Rosser
Mickey Ryan
Debbie Sears
Kelly Staub
Marnita Stinnett
Shannon Stoker
Joy Tanner
Dr. Scott Tarnowieckyi
The Fellowship of Weatherford
Joe and Patsy Tison
Frances Trussell
Shannon Walls
Joe and Karen Wilkinson
Paul and Samie Williams
Dr. Steve and Stacey Wood
Supporters (up to $99)
Carolyn Bass
Maxene Billman Shields
Joe Crawford
Nancy Edwards
Starla Edwards
Elevation Pool Service
Duncan Ely
Mary Harm
Rick Kline
Ben and Dora Long
Elizabeth Lyon
Nina Maniotis
Leo and Prissy Neely
Evelyn Payne
Norma J. Phillips
Dana Ritchie
Krysten Shavers
Patty Shaw
Mac and Janice Smith
Jared Stewart
Jan Tonroy
Lauren Wolf
Dinah Wren
Champions ($50,000 and over)
Benefactors ($10,000 to $49,999)
Annetta Methodist Church
Austin Cops for Charities
John and Marilyn Bedwell
Roy and Jeannine Eaton
Estate of Mary Zielinski
Chris and Monica Hodges
Imperial Construction
Dr. Sumant and Sheela Kumar
Gary and Linda Snow
Tim and Tiffany Clark
Bob and Carolynn White
Bruce and Laura Wiggs
Robert and Sammie Gay Williams
Paul Wingo
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Rita Barder
Lin and Tiffany Bearden
BentOak Capital
Dr. Joe and Evelyn Birmingham
Michael and Jamie Bodiford Brinkley
Verna Coomer
Dr. Robert and Emily Cooper
Dan and Jayne Curlee
Donna Dickinson
Jim Eggleston
Dr. Mark and Sarah Eidson
Dr. Tod Allen and Kathleen Farmer
Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo
Wayne and Sharon Garrett
John and Cathy A. Gurica
Don and Kim Hubbard
Marjorie Kimbrough Dome
Derek and Lonna Leach
Dr. Barbara and Jim McGregor
National Board for Respiratory Care
Susan M. Nead
Prosperity Bank
Marilyn St. Clair
Texas Bank
Weatherford Evening Lions Club
Morris and Judy White
WHS Class of 1964
Roger and Patty Williams
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Elizabeth and Brent Baker
Hamid Bateni
J. C. "Chris" Blair
Pat Bowers
Brandt Companies
Marvin Browder
Community National Bank and Trust
Jean Cook
John Cooper
David and Becky Daniel
Doug and Kristy Dowd
Duane and Anita Durrett
Michael and Christine Endy
ExxonMobil Foundation
Dan and Marsha Feely
First Bank Texas
First Financial Bank
Paul and Cassy Gray
Pat and Sharon Hamilton
John and Karen Hinton
Gary and Jeanie Hobbs
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Lone Star Coaches, Inc.
Tom and Becky Loughrey
Ron and Tammy McBee
Dr. Janie and Jerry Neighbors
Parker County Cruisers
Parker County Farm Bureau
Parker County Historical Commission
Paul and Courtney Paschall
Plains Capital Bank
Rotary Club of Weatherford
Roy and Martha Knight Foundation
Mac and Janice Smith
Jim and Rhonda Swan
Mark and Brenda Tackett
Bob and Kristen Tallman
Texas Book Company
Texas Health Neighborhood Care and Wellness, Willow Park
Doug and Carol Turpin
Larry Don Walden
Weatherford Optimist Club
Alan and Lee Ann White
Partners ($500 to $999)
Scott and Melissa Butler
Dr. Andra and John Cantrell
Sierra Emerson
Lisa Flowers
Jacy and Charles Guynes
Suzanne Jary
Cass Jarvis Jenkins
Mallory Kennedy
Dr. Peter Klimo
Jeff and Misti Lightfoot
Mike and Debbie Martin
Weta Mince Phillips
Arnold Pitchford
BT Rhodes
Wayne and Linda Sharp
Snow Garrett Williams
Brenda Lee Stout Powell
Aleshia Swinney
Rhonda and Leonard Torres
Barbara Upham
Vic Verstraete
Joe and Karen Wilkinson
Affiliates ($100 - $499)
Bobby and Pat Bazzell
Kathy Boswell
Terry and Mickey Brooks
Sheryl Brown
Vernon Bryant
Wayne and Polly Bryant
Challenge of Tarrant County
Brenda Chandler
Jim and Myrlan Coleman
Jessica Cundiff
Charles & Elaine Curtis
Carrie Cutaia
Dane and Jaci Edwards
Wade and Helen Davidson
Hoyt Deaver
Drake's Yoke
Judd Duncan
Dr. Kevin and Sheila Eaton
Ronald Epps
The Fellowship
John and Myrna Fields
Margie Floyd
Landon and Crystal George
Barbara and Wendell Gibson
Jeanine Grizzard
Dr. Rickey and Judy Harman
Billy Jack Hill
Mrs. Darlyne Hughes
Margaret Johnson
Mark and Janet Jones
Sharron Lawrence
Henry Lim
Linda Freeman
Ben and Dora Long
Karin Malone
Esme Manzo
Kirk and Angie Martin
Pam McCarter
Michael McGough
Jenny Miller
Casey Mitchell
Lela and Butch Morris
Autumn Moss
Leo and Prissy Neely
Dr. Robert Phillips
Shirley Riebe
Dr. William and Paula Roddy
Eddie D. Shelton
Skyview Networks, LLC
Kathy Smith
Valorie Starr
Jared Stewart
Marnita Stinnett
Shannon Stoker
Thresea Tabor
Joy Tanner
Joe and Patsy Tison
Frances Trussell
Dr. Bishnu Twanabasu
Staci Tyler
Madison Wallace
W.R. Watt, Jr.
Weatherford High School Athletic Hall of Fame
Loy Dell Wickware
Kathy and Jeff Williams
Jenna Wilson
Joy Michelle Wilson
Wanda Woodruff
Supporters (up to $99)
Justin Allen
Kathy Bassham
Dwayne and Lori Bennett
Sheryl Brister
Michael Cochran
Robert and Beverly Crumbie
Clarence and Ola Culwell
Dalton Dickerson
Dillard Feed & Seed Inc.
Vy Dyer
Duncan Ely
Christina Emrick
John Epperson III
Hayden Hill
Carl and Sherry Holmes
Reba Long
Laura McCrory
Pedro and Rosie Mucino
Calynn Mullins
Kayla Nelon
Michelle Owens
Evelyn Payne
Donald and Frances Plumlee
Dr. Tola Plusnick
Carol Pyle
Brenda Rosser
Chris and Sommer Sargent
Krysten Shavers
Johnell Smith
Dottie Vandagriff
Jo Ellen Welborn
Tom Wells
Nancy Wester
Billie Williams
Lauren Wolf
Marley Wood
Dinah Wren
Thank you to the following donors for their generous gifts to the WC Foundation during the 2021 calendar year:
Champions ($50,000 and over)
Vickie and Jerry Durant
Gilchrist Automotive
William F. Liles Estate
Richard and Nancy Stuart
Wiggs Family Foundation
Benefactors ($10,000 to $49,999)
Mary Brinkley Estate
Michael & Jamie Bodiford Brinkley
Jim and Myrlan Coleman
E.A. and Brenda Connel
Roy and Jeannine Eaton
Herbert G. Feldman Charitable Foundation
Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo
Brent and Meredith Gough
Imperial Construction, Inc.
Earl King Estate
Fred Krebs
Dr. Sumant and Sheela A. Kumar
Byron and Elaine Little
Judy Melvin
Parker County Retired School Personnel
Parker County Sheriff's Posse
Parker County Women's and Newcomers' Club
Robert and Sammie Gay Williams
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Lin and Tiffany Bearden
Verna Coomer
Maurice Crowe
Dan and Jayne Curlee
Donna Dickinson
Jim Eggleston
Eidson Family Charitable Foundation
President Tod Allen and Kathleen Farmer
First Financial Bank
First Financial Trust & Asset Management Co.
Wayne and Sharon Garrett
Dr. Luke and Ashtyn Haynes
Wayne Hodges
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Marjorie Kimbrough Dome
Derek and Lonna Leach
Ron and Tammy McBee
Dr. Barbara and Jim McGregor
North Side Baptist Church
Plains Capital Bank
James R. Plowman
Elizabeth Poston
Prosperity Bank
Jerry Reynolds
Doug and Carol Turpin
Weatherford Optimist Club
Alan and Lee Ann White
Bob and Carolynn White
Brock Widener
Roger and Patty Williams
Paul Wingo
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Dr. Arleen Atkins
Atmos Energy
Elizabeth and Brent Baker
Debra Bartling
Hamid Bateni
Ted and Gert Beard
BentOak Capital
Jack Christopher Blair
Donna Boone
Kathy Boswell
Dr. Subrahmanyam and Subhashini Boyareddigari
Dr. Veleda Boyd and Don Coan
Brandt Companies
Community National Bank and Trust
Jean Cook
David and Becky Daniel
Duane and Anita Durrett
Michael and Christine Endy
ExxonMobil Foundation
Dan and Marsha Feely
First Bank Texas
John and Cathy A. Gurica
Jacy and Charles Guynes
Pat and Sharon Hamilton
John and Karen Hinton
HUB International Insurance Services
Lone Star Coaches, Inc.
Dr. Laura McBride
Medical City Weatherford
Lela and Butch Morris
Parker County Cruisers
Paul and Courtney Paschall
Carol Hand Ritter
Rotary Club of Weatherford
Roy and Martha Knight Foundation
Mac and Janice Smith
Gary and Linda Snow
Shannon Stoker
Jim and Rhonda Swan
Mark and Brenda Tackett
Bob and Kristen Tallman
Texas Bank Financial
Texas Health Neighborhood Care and Wellness in Willow Park
United Rentals
Ronald Walker
Weatherford Evening Lions Club
Morris and Judy White
Joe and Karen Wilkinson
Ralph Willingham
Partners ($500 to $999)
Karen Benson
Beth Crooms
Jill Eschman
Brenda and Chuck Furlong
Bob and Carolyn Glenn
Gough Wealth Management
Maria Teresa Guerrero
Gary and Jeanie Hobbs
Gregg Lane
Jeff and Misti Lightfoot
Judy McAnally
Brenda Lee Stout Powell
Rosa's Café
Dr. William and Paula Roddy
Texas Book Company
Susan Thomas
Willard and Dorisan Thomas
Rhonda and Leonard Torres
Larry Don Walden
Waste Connections
Affiliates ($100 - $499)
Dr. Diann Ainsworth
Fawn Aldrich
Joe and Annabelle Allen
Ray and Meiwen Brannan
Betty Brashier
Rebecca Bray
Cary and Tina Brown
Joe Brown
Becki Byrd
Tammy and Lisa Calhoun and Bailey
Dr. Andra and John Cantrell
David and Sue Casey
Challenge of Tarrant County
Debbie and Tate Chesney
Chris' Service Muffler Shop, Inc.
Jane Craig Comer
Don and Bernadean Connell
Sue Coody
Mark Cook
Paul Cook
Carrie Cutaia
Dr. Lisa D'Amico
Greg Edwards
Dr. Nita Ellis
Johnny Emmons
Carol Eppright
Brian and Melanie Finney
Jay and Beverly Gibbs
Barbara and Wendell Gibson
Bill & Luann & Don Glatch / Adair
Jo Ann Glenn
Bud and Betty Jo Graber
Debra Grace
Jeanine Grizzard
Dr. Rickey and Judy Harman
Loyd Hawthorne
Joy Hudson
Darlyne Hughes
Rikki E. Hughes
Dr. Alexander Ibe
Dr. Trey Jansen
Mark and Janet Jones
Steven Kukuk
Alex and Christine Lewis
Ben and Dora Long
Perry and Barbara Mader
Melinda Mayes
Pam McCarter
Frances and Leola McGee
Bob McKinley
Andy and Julie McMullen
Mind Discovery Center
Casey Mitchell
Rosemarie Moreno
Marianne Mullin
Jack and Laura Murphy
Janice Odom
Ken and Nancy Owen
Evelyn Payne
JoAnn Pettus
Phillips Welding Supply
Tommy and Judy Pleasants
Donald and Frances Plumlee
Dr. Tola Plusnick
Power Volleyball Club Power 14 Purple
Marie Quintero
Susan Randall
Cari Jo Rockey
Richard and Joan Rockwell
Jim and Earlene Ruland
Debra Sears
Diane Slocum
Karen Smith
Drs. Stephen and Allison Stamatis
Marnita Stinnett
Kimberly Thomas
Trisha and Ike Thomas
Frances Trussell
Dr. Bishnu Twanabasu
Staci Tyler
William and Roma Van Hoosier
Jon and Dottie Vandagriff
Charles and Linda Wakefield
Jo Ellen Welborn
Tom Wells
Thomas and Connie White
Julieta Wilks
Kathy and Jeff Williams
Sharon Woody
Tommy and Elizabeth Wright
Supporters (up to $99)
Charles Adams
Monica Adams
Nathan and Ellen Allen
Sharon Bailey
Kathy Bassham
Carolyn Boggs
Mike and Kristi Bradbury
Dale Butler
Halie Caudle
Clear Fork Veterinary Associates
Donna Cody
Dave and Nancy Deison
Judd Duncan
Dana & Brian Eckhart
Gail Edwards
Duncan Ely
Linda S. Fuller
Laura Gillham
Karmann Goff
Jim and Jan Hall
Hayden Hill
Dr. Stanton and Christine Key
Linda and David Kline
Rick Kline
V.A. Littleton
Reba Long
Lung and Sleep Specialists
Esmeralda Manzano
Laura McCrory
Clark and Michelle McNabb
Ann Meyer
Leo and Prissy Neely
John Parkinson
Carter and Karen Pettit
Bill and Ann Price
Bo Rickner
Susan Rickner
Shirley Riebe
Dr. Linda Robinson
Ana Rogers
Brenda Rosser
Chris and Sommer Sargent
Krysten Shavers
Dr. William Smith
Peggy Sonnenberg
Mark and Pam Steele
Muriel Stephens
Elizabeth Stewart
Jared Stewart
Duane and Thresea Tabor
Anita and Harvey Tate
Janice Hott Taylor
John Thielepape
Twentieth Century Club of Weatherford
Madison Wallace
Todd White
WHS Class of 1953
Kathy Williams
Lauren Wolf
Dinah Wren
Thank you to the following donors for their generous gifts to the WC Foundation during the 2020 calendar year:
Benefactors ($10,000 and above)
Brookshire Grocery Co.
Citizens National Bank of Texas
E.A. and Brenda Connel
Jerry and Vickie Durant- Jerry's GM
Estate of Mary Zielinski
Ezelle Ashworth Trust
Imperial Construction
Dr. Sumant and Sheela A. Kumar
Lightfoot Mechanical, Inc.
Dr. Thomas and Nancy MacKenzie
Mary Brinkley Estate
Leo and Prissy Neely
New Hope Baptist Church
Norma Plowman
Robert and Terri Randolph
Gary and Linda Snow
Richard and Nancy Stuart
Weatherford Noon Lions Club
Robert and Sammie Gay Williams
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Lin and Tiffany Bearden
Dr. Joe and Evelyn Birmingham
Community National Bank and Trust
Marjorie Kimbrough Dome
Roy and Jeannine Eaton
Eggleston King, LLP
Dr. Mark and Sarah Eidson
ExxonMobil Foundation
President Tod Allen and Kathleen Farmer
Dan and Marsha Feely
Wayne and Sharon Garrett
Dr. Luke and Ashtyn Haynes
Cheryl Howell
Lam Technology, LLC
Dr. Barbara and Jim McGregor
Candice Mitchell
North Side Baptist Church
Parker County Sheriff's Posse
Parker County Women's and Newcomers Club
Plains Capital Bank
Prosperity Bank
Robert and Carol Hand Ritter
Southwest Auto Group
Bob and Carolynn White
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Marvin and Amy Adams
Dr. Arleen Atkins
Brent and Elizabeth Baker
Hamid Bateni
Bent Oak Capital
Dr. Veleda Boyd and Don Coan
Brandt Companies
Sue Coody
Sam and Ruth Lynn Cotter
David and Becky Daniel
Duane and Anita Durrett
Michael and Christine Endy
First Financial Bank
Roy and Jeanne Grogan Family Foundation
John and Cathy A. Gurica
Pat and Sharon Hamilton
Wayne Hodges
HUB International Insurance Services
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Margaret Johnson
Lone Star Coaches, Inc.
Ron and Tammy McBee
Lela and Butch Morris
Parker County Historical Commission
Paul and Courtney Paschall
James R. Plowman
Mark and Debby Riebe
Dr. William and Paula Roddy
Roy and Martha Knight Foundation
Jon and Beth Sherman
Debra Smith
Dr. Hyeyoung Song
Jim and Rhonda Swan
Mark and Brenda Tackett
Bob and Kristen Tallman
United Rentals
Ronald Walker
Weatherford Optimist Club
Joeseph and Stephanie Whitaker
Morris and Judy White
Joe and Karen Wilkinson
Janetta Wood Wilson
Partners ($500 to $999)
Karen Benson
Carla Bowe
Dr. Richard and Pat Bowers
Charles Duke
Sierra Emerson
John & Stephenie Fields
First Financial Trust & Asset Management Co.
Bob and Carolyn Glenn
Edward Jones Brent Gough
Jacy Guynes State Farm Insurance
Gary and Jeanie Hobbs
Richard and Elizabeth Hutcheson
Dr. Alexander Ibe
Cheryl Livengood
Kenneth Logan
Mike and Debbie Martin
Patrick and Tonya Piehl
David and Emily Prowell
Donnie and Carol Purvis
Susan Randall
Mike & Susan Scott
Stanley Stough
Brenda Lee Stout Powell
Texas Bank Financial
Texas Book Company
Rhonda and Leonard Torres
Waste Connections
Joy Michelle Wilson
Affiliates ($100 to $499)
Dr. Diann Ainsworth
Barbara Baker-Morrison
Brian Barnard
Robert Bass
Kathy Bassham
Bobby and Pat Bazzell
Christel Brenner
Terry and Mickey Brooks
Sheryl Brown
Bill and Sarah Bryan
Brad Caldwell
Challenge of Tarrant County
The Honorable Don and Melinda Chrestman
Camy Ciprien
Carole Clark Montgomery
Bryce Cummings
Laura Cummins
Carrie Cutaia
Janna Daugherty- Wagner Family Trust
Wayne and Mable Davee
Mark and Jo-Alice Davis
Pam Davis
Judd Duncan
Dr. Kevin and Sheila Eaton
James and Ruth Edwards
Johnny Emmons
Dr. Ronald Epps
Emmett and Nancy Esters
Courtney and Jason Estes
Stan Feaster
Tammy Feimer
Laura Ferguson
John and Myrna Fields
Fort Worth Community Credit Union
Jay and Beverly Gibbs
Barbara Gibson
Gray Cleaning Services
R.J. and Bebe Groter
Lisa Haley
Harriet Henderson
Carol Hooper
Joy Hudson
Darlyne Hughes
Suzanne Jary
Dr. Catherine Johnson
Mark and Janet Jones
Phil and Kathryn Jordan
Kay Landrum
Dr. Sharron Lawrence
Rebecca D. Lawson
Derek and Lonna Leach
Linda Seaberry Lindsey
Dr. Sarah Lock
Ben and Dora Long
Barbi Lorenz
Betty Harmon Lowry
Karin Malone
Melina Mayes
Dr. Laura McBride
Jeannie McWhorter
Betty Mills
Casey Mitchell
Ian and Julie Monroe
Chris Nelson
Network for Good
Janice Odom
Evelyn Payne
Karen Precella
Kathy Renken
Shanan Richard
Cari Jo Rockey
Brenda Rosser
Dr. David and Nancy Russell
Dan and Linda Schafer
Debra Sears
Charlsta Smith
Kathy Smith
Michelle Spence
Mark E. Steelman
Faith Stiffler
Marnita Stinnett
Slade and Shannon Stoker
Ethan Stuckly
Dr. James H. Tatum
Joe and Patsy Tison
Frances Trussell
Staci Tyler
Royce and Judith Vick
Bobby Waddell
Shannon Walls
Jo Ellen Welborn
Tom Wells
Carrie Whitfield
Kathy Williams
Paul Williams
Ralph Willingham
Wanda Woodruff
Supporters (up to $99)
Fawn Aldrich
Justin Allen
Dr. Mark T. Calhoun
Chris and Carole Martin
Donna K. Cox
Kenneth and Betty Cruikshank
Frank and Connie Denton
Lynette Eaker
Duncan Ely
Christina Emrick
Becky Fryer
G.F. and Kate Geiger
Michelle Gist
Christina Grudzinski
Valerie Hopkins
Dr. Janie Humphries
Rachel Johnson
Kelsey Jones
Rick Kline
Esmeralda Manzano
Jennifer Mashburn
Pete and Sandra Mason
Kylee Modgling
Marion and Susan Morrison and Family
Sam Nobles
Lynn Peters
Dr. Robert Phillips
Donald and Frances Plumlee
Dr. Tola Plusnick
Krysten Shavers
Dr. William Smith
Elizabeth Stewart
Anita and Harvey Tate
Walter G. Tibbitts, III
Twentieth Century Club of Weatherford
Jon and Dottie Vandagriff
Hope West
Nancy Wester
WHS Class of 1953
Billie Williams
Kathy and Jeff Williams
Thomas and Karen Williams
Dinah Wren
Thank you to the following donors for their generous gifts to the WC Foundation during the 2018 calendar year:
Benefactors ($10,000 and above)
Ezelle Ashworth Trust
Mary Brinkley Estate
E.A. & Brenda Connel
Coyote Cares
Marjorie Kimbrough Dome
Lucky & Janet Drew
Jerry & Vickie Durant
Herbert G. Feldman Charitable Foundation
Dr. Sumant & Sheela A. Kumar
Mike & Debbie Martin
Parker County Retired School Personnel
Plains Capital Bank
The Priddy Foundation
Steve & Jerry Reid
John & Ida Shires
Richard & Nancy Stuart
Texas Bank Financial
Vic Verstraete
Ronald Walker
Robert & Sammie Gay Williams
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Basic IDIQ
Dr. Joe & Evelyn Birmingham
Clark Real Estate
Bettie Cline
Roy & Jeannine Eaton
Dr. Tod Allen & Kathleen Farmer
First National Bank of Weatherford
Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
Wayne and Sharon Garrett
Barbara Gibson
Brent & Meredith Gough
Pat & Sharon Hamilton
Imperial Construction
Derek & Lonna Leach
Lightfoot Mechanical, Inc.
Dr. Barbara & Jim McGregor
North Side Baptist Church
Parker County Women's and Newcomers' Club
Pediatric Rehab
RBI Academy LLC
Marilyn E. Reynolds
Schulman Theatres
Southwest Auto Group
Spider Web Energy, LLC
Weatherford Music Teachers Association
Alan & Lee Ann White
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Marvin and Amy Adams
Dr. Arleen Atkins
Baker's Ribs
Lin & Tiffany Bearden
Dr. Veleda Boyd & Don Coan
Brandt Engineering
Jim & Myrlan Coleman
Sue Coody
David & Becky Daniel
Duane & Anita Durrett
Dr. Mark & Sarah Eidson
Dan & Marsha Feely
John & Stephenie Fields
First Financial Bank
Bob & Carolyn Glenn
Jack & Marinell Grimes
John & Cathy A. Gurica
Wayne Hodges
HUB International Insurance Services
Ruth Huse
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Margaret Johnson
Rep. Phil & Terry King
Lone Star Coaches, Inc.
Ben & Dora Long
Nina Maniotis
Medical City Weatherford
Betty Mills
Marie Mince
NADA Foundation
Jerry & Dr. Janie Neighbors
Weta Mince Phillips
Prosperity Bank
Rosa's Café
Mark & Debby Riebe
Jim & Rhonda Swan
Bob & Kristen Tallman
Texas Book Company
Texas Health Neighborhood Care & Wellness
United Rentals
Larry Don Walden
WC ADN Students
Morris & Judy White
Joe & Karen Wilkinson
Partners ($500 to $999)
Brent & Elizabeth Baker
Ed & Beth Simmons Baker
Karen Benson
Dr. Richard & Pat Bowers
Dr. Andra & John Cantrell
The Honorable Don & Melinda Chrestman
Pat & Jean Cook
Carroll & Lawonna Dawson
Alan & Katie Edwards
First Financial Trust & Asset Management Co.
Galbreaith Pickard Funeral Chapel
Jay & Beverly Gibbs
Bud & Betty Jo Graber
Dr. Luke & Ashtyn Haynes
Heartsill Commercial Limited Partnership
Dr. Alexander Ibe
Suzanne Jary
Kenneth & Carrye Johnstone
Mark & Charlotte LaGrone
Bobby & Sandra Kurosky
Byron & Elaine Little
V. A. Littleton
Mike's Westside Rental
Justin Mooring
Weatherford Noon Lions Club
Parker County Hospital District
Susan Randall
The Real Estate Group
Dr. William & Paula Roddy
Rotary Club of Weatherford
Michael & Tracy Schuffenhauer
Snow Garrett Williams
Dr. Hyeyoung Song
Matthew Ticzkus
Rhonda & Leonard Torres
Ken & Diana Ulrickson
Waste Connections
Dr. Lisa Welch
Affiliates ($100 to $499)
American Legion Post 163
VLK Architects
Glenda Aslin
Linda & J.A. Bagwell
Rebecca Barnett
Bedrock Production, LLC
Joyce Benthall
William Black III
Thomas C. Blair
Dr. Susan Bohn
Kathy & David Boswell
Kenneth Bounds
Christel Brenner
Samantha Calixtro
Robert Carlson
Elaine Carter
Victor Emmanuel Castro
Challenge of Tarrant County
Chris' Service Muffler Shop, Inc.
City of Weatherford
Clark Gardens
Earlene S. Clouse
Decatur Lions Club
Robyn Coffey
Ben E. Keith Company
Rebekah Cooper
Randy Cox
Deborah Cregger
Dan & Jayne Curlee
Sandra Daras
Wayne & Mable Davee
Mark & Jo-Alice Davis
Pam Davis
Alexandria Dexter
Judd Duncan
Lynn & Mary Easley
Wanda Edwards
Tonya Piehl
Weston Eidson
Bryan & Melissa Elmore
Trina Etier
The Fellowship
Adam & Mende Feriend
John & Myrna Fields
John & Erika Forrest
Larry & Gail Fowler
Landon & Crystal George
Paul & Cassie Gray
Jeanine Grizzard
Jacy Guynes State Farm Insurance
Dr. Rickey & Judy Harman
Dr. Molly Harris
Jeffrey Hasley
J. Sam Heartsill
Gail Henard
Gary & Jeanie Hobbs
Joy Holcomb
Van Houser
Joy Hudson
Mrs. Darlyne Hughes
Theresa Hutchison
Carolyn Jeane
Kaylee Johnston
Donald & Nicki Jones
Mark & Janet Jones
Pauline Jones
Linda J. Kinnamore
Joshua Garret Knight-Potts
Amy Kramer
Ed & Patti Kramer
Janetta Kruse
Kay Landrum
Keith & Nancy Lane
Sharron Lawrence
Deann Lee
Deborah Liles
Dr. Sarah Lock
Perry & Barbara Mader
Leonard Magana
Martha McClung
Nancy McVean
Cassie Measures
Casey Mitchell
Lela & Butch Morris
Leo & Prissy Neely
Sam Nobles
Stan & Jackie O'Neal
Janice Odom
Paul & Courtney Paschall
John Patterson
Evelyn Payne
Phoenix Construction
Norma Plowman
Donald & Frances Plumlee
Linda Privette
Pulliam Pools
Carol Hand Ritter
Cari Jo Rockey
Cheryl Rodriguez
Alan Roemer
Judy Schreiber
Debra Sears
Donna Shepherd
Shantee Siebuhr
Kathy Smith
Sherolyn Smith
William Smith
Donnine Souhrada
Steele & Freeman, Inc.
Marnita Stinnett
Stanley Stough
Brenda Lee Stout Powell
Jade Stults
The C. D. Hartnett Company
Joe & Patsy Tison
Trinity Christian Academy
Frances Trussell
Beverly Tucker
Dr. Bishnu Twanabasu
Staci Tyler
Jon & Dottie Vandagriff
Lacey VanPay
Bobby J. Waddell
B. J. Wallace
Madison Wallace
WC Basketball Booster Club
WC Student Services
WC Physical Sciences Department
Weatherford Optimist Club
Angela Webster
Jo Ellen Welborn
Tom Wells
Tammi & Larry White
WHS Class of 1950
Karrie Wilhoit
Jesse C. & Barbara B. Williams
Kathy Williams
Roger Williams Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Ralph Willingham
Joy Michelle Wilson
Crystal Len Brown Woerly
Ashley Wooten
Dinah Wren
Supporters (up to $99)
Justin Allen
Leta Andrews
Jo Ann Barnhart
Kelly Beck
Phillip & Kristi Bradbury
Doug & Jennifer Brown
Burrows Premium Lawn Care
Dian Calzacorta
Pat & Beth Camp
J.T. & Noelle Carpenter
Stephen Coffee
Clarence & Ola Culwell
Dr. Nita Ellis
Duncan Ely
Christina L. Emrick
Carolene English
Bob & Beverly Gill
Tom & Mary Gingerich
Michelle Gist
Robin Hennegan
Carla Holt
Dennis and Laura Hooks
Brittany Hudson
Jason Jeske
Kelsey Jones
Kiwanis Club of Weatherford
Janet Kraft
Jana Kruger
Stephen Malley
Connie McClung
Makayla Nimpfer
Audrey Owen
Michelle Owens
Caryn Pearse
Carol Pyle
Judith Ray
Robert & Dina Rich
Brenda Ridge
Christie & Jeff Roberts
Jeff Sears
Charlsta Smith
Michelle Spence
Drs. Stephen & Allison Stamatis
Elizabeth Stewart
Anita & Harvey Tate
Twentieth Century Club of Weatherford
Dr. Mike and Avalon White
WHS Class of 1953
Kiki Williams
Kimberly Worthen
Carol Wright
Thank you to the following donors for their generous gifts to the WC Foundation during the 2018 calendar year:
Benefactors ($10,000 and above)
Morris Family Foundation
Parker County Women's and Newcomers Club
Richard & Nancy Stuart
Jim Wilkinson
Sammie Gay & Robert Williams
Mary Zielinski Estate
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Roy & Jeannine Eaton
Dr. Tod A. & Kathleen Farmer
Dan & Marsha Feely
First Financial Bank
Brent & Meredith Gough
Film Alley
Imperial Construction
Derek & Lonna Leach
Plains Capital Bank
Southwest Auto Group
Spider Web Energy, LLC
Texas Health Neighborhood Care and Wellness in Willow Park
Bob & Carolynn White
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Baker's Ribs
Brent & Elizabeth Baker
Dr. Joe & Evelyn Birmingham
Warren Creason
David & Becky Daniel
Dr. Kevin & Sheila Eaton
Lifecare EMS
First Financial Trust & Asset Management Co.
First National Bank of Weatherford
Bob & Carolyn Glenn
Jack Grimes
Roy & Jeanne Grogan
Paula Hibbert
HUB International Insurance Services
Ruth Huse
Independent Order of Oddfellows
Lone Star Coaches Inc.
Ben & Dora Long
Medical City Weatherford
Mike's Westside Rental
Patrick Mooney
North Side Baptist Church
Rotary Club of Weatherford
Mac & Janice Smith
Snow Garrett Williams
Jim & Rhonda Swan
Dr. James H. Tatum
Scotty Teague
Michael & Anissa Teskey
Texas Book Company
United Rentals
Weatherford High School Class of 1967
Partners ($500 to $999)
Bonnie Beard
Karen Benson
Jim & Susan Duncan
Duane & Anita Durrett
Dr. Mark & Sarah Eidson
Sheriff Larry & Gail Fowler
Wayne Garrett
Roger & Jeanine Grizzard
Jacy & Charles Guynes
Pat & Sharon Hamilton
Luke & Ashtyn Haynes
Hilltop Holding Inc.
Shannon McNabb
Norman Morton
Paul & Courtney Paschall
Pulliam Pools
Mark & Debby Riebe
Dr. Hyeyoung Song
Steele & Freeman
Brenda Lee Stout Powell
Texas Bank Financial
Texas Hispanic Serving Institutions Consortium
Dr. Lisa Welch
Joe & Karen Wilkinson
Affiliates ($100 to $499)
Shirley Ann Anderson
Larry M. Applewhite
VLK Architects
Mildred Beard
Melanye Jefferson, Belinda & Marty Diebold
Rick & Sue Berry
Karla Bevel
William Black III
BNSF Railway Foundation
Velda Sue Boardman
Donna Boone
Dr. Richard & Pat Bowers
Jeff & Jennifer Boyd
Dr. Veleda Boyd & Don Coan
Greg & Gwen Boyer
Paula Brashear
Elissa Braswell
Wanda Brian
Casey Brooks
Ellie Broughton
Sheryl Ann Brown
Dr. Andra & John Cantrell
Eric and Cindy Cappel
Challenge of Tarrant County
Decatur Lions Club
Myron & Kay Cole
Jim & Myrlan Coleman
Sam Coody
Clay & Sara Crawford
Deborah Cregger
Jessica Cundiff
Dan & Jayne Curlee
Pam Davis
Janice L. Day
Hyle Doss
Judd Duncan
Lynn & Mary Easley
Nancy Edwards
Tonya Edwards
Johnny Emmons
Michael & Christine Endy
Tammy Feimer
John & Myrna Fields
Lisa Flowers
Fort Worth Community Credit Union
Lou Ann Fuller
Joy George
George, Morgan & Sneed
Jay & Beverly Gibbs
Valarie Gilbert
Bud & Betty Jo Graber
Leah Graber
Paul Gray
Michael W. Guest
John & Cathy E. Gurica
Ruel M. Hamilton
Todd & Susan Hamilton
Dr. Rickey & Judy Harman
Sammie Harris
Pam Hayes
Heritage Pest Control
Gary & Jeanie Hobbs
Darlyne Hughes
Peggy Hutton
Dr. Alexander Ibe
Susan Jackson
Suzanne Jary
Marta Johnson
Kelsey Jones
Kristal Jones
Mark & Janet Jones
Richard Jones
Phil & Kathryn Jordan
Christian Men's Fellowship of Parker County
John D. Kirkpatrick
Skyler Allyn Korgel
Janetta Kruse
Dr. Sumant & Sheela A. Kumar
Laura Landsman
Linda Lindsey
Cheryl Livengood
Dr. Sarah Lock
Cheyenne Lopez
Tom & Becky Loughrey
Perry & Barbara Mader
Meisha Madsen
Nina Mariann Maniotis
Angie Martin
Toni Martin
Toni R. Martin
Melinda Mayes
Selina & Mark McBeth
Howard & Brenda McClurkin
Melvyn McRee
Patricia Melson
Dr. Jim & Iola Messinger
Cheryl Miller
Elaine Miller
Julie A. Moeller
Lela & Butch Morris
Megan Murrell
Leo & Prissy Neely
Jerry & Dr. Janie Neighbors
Parker County Retired Teachers Association
Parker County Sheriff's Posse
Evelyn Payne
Weta Mince Phillips
Arnold Pitchford
Tom & Jane Pritchard
Donnie & Carol Purvis
Jerry Reynolds
Brenda Ridge
Linda Robinson
Dr. William & Paula Roddy
Steve & Grace Rothrock
Rada Salomon
Ann Saunders
Dr. Allan Saxe
Robert Schocke
Glenn Seaberry
Debra Sears
Kathy Smith
Gary & Linda Snow
Wilda Ruth Sommer
Marilyn St.Clair
Marnita Stinnett
Stanley Stough
Dr. Joe Strain
Matthew Ticzkus
Joe & Patsy Tison
Rhonda & Leonard Torres
Frances Trussell
Christie Tull
Staci Tyler
Royce & Judith Vick
Weatherford Evening Lions Club
Weatherford Optimist Club
Jo Ellen Welborn
Clay Welch
Tom Wells
Dr. Mike & Avalon White
WHS Class of 1953
Jim Bob Williams
Ralph Willingham
Rena Mae Woody
Kimberly Worthen
Worthington Realty & Investments
Mack & Gloria Young
Cathy Zellers
Supporters (up to $99)
Justin Allen
Linda Bagwell
Chuck Beard
Daniel Callahan
Shirley & Edwin Chenault
Stephen Coffee
Rebekah Cooper
Korene Crippes
Wanda Edwards
John Ely
Bonnie Fitch
Michelle Gist
Christina Grudzinski
Joy Hudson
Dr. Janie Humphries
Alexia Jecha
Rick Kline
V. A. Littleton
Leonard Magana
Mikel Manning
John & Carolyn McBeth
Michelle Owens
Davis City Pharmacy
Steve & Myrene Sanders
Linda Shirley
Charlsta Smith
Michelle Spence
Elizabeth Stewart
Bridget Stroud
Barbara Weinberg
Ronald & Roberta Westendorf
Nancy Wester
Kathy Williams
Dinah Wren
Tommy & Elizabeth Wright
Thank you to the following donors for their generous gifts to the WC Foundation during the 2017 calendar year:
Benefactors ($10,000 and above)
Dr. Sumant & Sheela A. Kumar
Shannon Stoker
Richard & Nancy Stuart
Sammie Gay & Robert Williams
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Roy & Jeannine Eaton
First Financial Bank
Brent & Meredith Gough
Jerry Durant Auto Group
Marjorie Kimbrough Dome
Dr. Barbara & Jim McGregor
Parker County Sheriff's Office
Schulman Theatres
Texas Health Neighborhood Care & Wellness / Willow Park
United Supermarkets
Weatherford Regional Medical Center
Gail Wright
Mary Zielinski Estate
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Ben E. Keith Company
Dr. Joe & Evelyn Birmingham
Dr. Richard & Pat Bowers
Warren Creason
David & Becky Daniel
Dan & Marsha Feely
Bob & Carolyn Glenn
Hillwood Alliance Group
Dennis Hooks
Ruth Huse
Independent Order of Oddfellows
Lone Star Coaches, Inc.
Mike's Westside Rental
Jerry & Dr. Janie Neighbors
David & Jennifer Orcutt
Mark & Debby Riebe
Dan J. Sanders
Mac & Janice Smith
Snow Garrett Williams Employees
Dr. Hyeyoung Song
Marilyn St. Clair
Steele & Freeman, Inc.
Dr. James H. Tatum
Teskey's Circle T Saddlery
Texas Bank Financial
Thompson & Horton
Stephen Tuttle
United Rentals
Partners ($500 to $999)
Daniel Callahan
Dr. Andra & John Cantrell
Deborah Cascino
David & Nancy Deison
Lifecare EMS
First Financial Trust & Assset Management
James & Susan Fletcher
Wayne Garrett
Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford
Clark & Michelle McNabb
Pulliam Pools
Gary & Linda Snow
Texas Book Company
Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals
Larry Don Walden
Dr. Lisa Welch
WC Associate Degree Nursing Students
Affiliates ($100 to $499)
Barbara Baker-Morrison
Mildred Beard
Karen Benson
Christel Brenner
Robert Carey
The Honorable Don & Melinda Chrestman
Chris' Service Muffler Shop
Decatur Lions Club
Sam Coody
DATCU Credit Union
Pam Davis
Buddy & Ann Duncan
Judd Duncan
Tonya Edwards
EOG Resources
Tammy Feimer
Laura Ferguson
John & Myrna Fields
Jay & Beverly Gibbs
Bud & Betty Jo Graber
Roger & Jeanine Grizzard
Dorotha Guess
Jacy & Charles Guynes
Gary & Jeanie Hobbs
Joy Hudson
Darlyne Hughes
Suzanne Jary
Mark & Janet Jones
Marnita Langford
Tom & Becky Loughrey
Nina Maniotis
Gaylyn Mendoza
Tammy Miller
Casey Mitchell
Doyle & Linda Moss
Terry & Carol Nelson
Paschall Insurance Group, LLC
Evelyn Payne
Phoenix Transmission Products
Prosperity Bank
Donnie & Carol Purvis
Kathy Renken
Carol Hand Ritter
Debra Sears
Charlsta Smith
Jeffrey Smith
Kathy Smith
Stanley Stough
Brenda Lee Stout Powell
Teague, Nall and Perkins
Joe & Patsy Tison
Rhonda & Leonard Torres
Frances Trussell
Staci Tyler
Jon & Dottie Vandagriff>
Royce & Judith Vick
Charles & Linda Wakefield
Waste Connections
Weatherford Optimist Club
Jo Ellen Welborn
Williams Cleaners
Kathy & Jeff Williams
Rena Mae Woody
Supporters (up to $99)
William Black III
Bobby & Jeni D. Brunson
Stephen Coffee
Teresa Davis
Carole Duffield
Carolene English
Melody Fleming
Sara Gambrell
Joy George
Michelle Gist
Anna C. Gordon
Leah Graber
Great White Washing LLC
Lori Hall
Hayden Hall
Dr. Janie Humphries
Pauline Jones
Phil & Kathryn Jordan
Lindsey Kennimer
Dr. Sarah Lock
Jenny London
Lone Star Pain Medicine
Lela & Butch Morris
Jonathan & Melissa J. Musser
Carol Patak
Hollis Sellman
Elizabeth Stewart
Nancy Wester
Billie Williams
Melinda Wilson
Dinah Wren
Thank you to the following donors for their generous gifts to the WC Foundation during the 2016 calendar year:
Benefactors ($10,000 and above)
Imperial Construction
Jacklin Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Jerry Durant Auto Group
Earl & Ann Morris Family Foundation
Plains Capital Bank
Sammie Gay & Robert Williams
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Film Alley / Schulman Theatres
First Financial Bank
Marjorie Kimbrough Dom
Dr. Sumant& Sheela A. Kumar
Dr. Barbara & Jim McGregor Libby Poston
Snow Garrett Williams Employees
Thompson & Horton, LLP
Weatherford Regional Medical Center
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Brent & Elizabeth Baker
Ben E. Keith Company
David & Becky Daniel
First National Bank of Weatherford
Bob & Carolyn Glenn
Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford
Pat & Sharon Hamilton
Herring Bank
Steele & Freeman, Inc.
Dr. James H. Tatum
Texas Hospital Insurance Exchange
Dennis Hooks
HUB International Insurance Services
Dr. & Mrs. Bill &Shirlene Knight Derek &Lonna Leach
Lone Star Coaches, Inc.
Mike's Westside Rental
Jerry & Dr. Janie Neighbors
Gary & Linda Snow
Southwest Auto Group
Walter G. Tibbitts, III
Mary Zielinski Estate
Partners ($500 to $999)
Marvin & Amy Adams
Randall Anderson
Associate Degree Nursing Students
Dr. Richard & Pat Bowers
Dr. Veleda Boyd & Don Coan
Daniel Callahan
Dr. Andra Cantrell
Sam Coody Sue Coody
Tonya Edwards
Carol Eppright
First Financial Trust & Management Co. Wayne & Sharon Garrett
Brent & Meredith Gough
Roy & Jeanne Grogan
Pediatric Rehab
Arnold Pitchford
Pulliam Pools
Texas Bank Financial
Texas Book Company
Waste Connections
Dr. Mike & Avalon White
Affiliates ($100 to $499)
Glen & Doris Arey
Wanda J. Baker
Barbara Baker-Morrison
Kathy Bassham
Brannin Beal
Mike & Bettye Beard
Karen Benson
Riley & Carolyn Binford
Madelon L. Bradshaw
Jim & Myrlan Coleman
Warren Creason
Drs. Deborah & Bill Cron
Kay Crumley
DATCU Credit Union
David Ford Insurance Agency, Inc.
Jim & Susan Duncan
Judd Duncan
Duane & Anita Durrett
Dr. Kevin & Sheila Eaton
John & Myrna Fields
First State Bank
Tim & Marsella Fults
Joy George
Jay & Beverly Gibbs
Bud & Betty Jo Graber
Roger & Jeanine Grizzard
John & Cathy E. Gurica
Jacy & Charles Guynes
Dr. Rickey & Judy Harman
Gary & Jeanie Hobbs
Carl & Sherry Holmes
Mrs. Darlyne Hughes
Ruth Huse
Theresa Hutchison
Isom Family Trust
James Wood Motors
Rep. Phil & Terry King
Sandra Krause
Martha Tandy
Teague, Nall & Perkins
Texas Butane Co., Inc.
Jack & Evelyn Thompson
Dr. Don & Allison Tomas
Rhonda & Leonard Torres
Frances Trussell
Staci Tyler
Cynthia Vaszauskas
WC Basketball Booster Club
Weatherford Evening Lions Club
Christel Brenner
Ellie Broughton
Duane & DeEnna Brown
Vernon & Nancy Bryant
Merle & Peggy Bull
Patricia Buzbee
Dr. Shirley & Edwin Chenault
The Honorable Don & Melinda Chrestman
Colonial Country Club
Decatur Lions Club
Janetta Kruse
Marnita Langford
Sharron Lawrence
Legend Bank
Cheryl Livengood
Nina Maniotis
Sandra Marckmann
Michael McGough
Gaylyn Mendoza
Jenny Miller
Casey Mitchell
Robert & Susan Montalvo
Lela & Butch Morris
Dr. Lisa R. Nash
Paschall Insurance Group, LLC
Phoenix Transmission Products
Tom & Jane Pritchard
Prosperity Bank
Mark & Debby Riebe
Carol & Bob Ritter
Dr. William & Paula Roddy
Richard E. Sloan
Angela Smith
Kathy Smith
Rev. Bart & Ann Smith
Sharon B. Smith, PC
Marilyn St. Clair
Stanley Stough
WC Respiratory Care Students
Weatherford High School Class of 1953
Weatherford Optimist Club
Jo Ellen Welborn
Tom Wells
White's Funeral Home
Laura & Bruce Wiggs
Joe & Karen Wilkinson
Kathy & Jeff Williams
Ralph Willingham
James Wilson
Dinah Wren
Supporters (up to $99)
Gerald & Jackie Anderson
Dr. Arleen Atkins
Crystal Brown
Judy Campbell
LJ & Sue Childs
Gloria Chitwood
Central Christian Church
Stephen Coffee
Don & Bernadean Connell
Pat Cook
Carl B. & Sue Cox
Ron & Kathy Crabtree
Teresa Davis
Department of Public Safety
Daniel & Mariana Meaders
Patricia Nielsen
Parker County Hospital District
Carol Patak
Evelyn Payne
Brenda Ridge
Linda Robinson
Ron & Karen Romberg
Rocky & Carmen Drew
Louretta Evans
The Weldon Cranford Family
Melody Fleming
Michelle Gist
John & Cheryl Good
Anna C. Gordon
Kory & Stephanie Hooks
Joy Hudson
Connie Huse Nightingale
Suzanne Jary
Marsha Johnson
Kelsey Jones
Phil & Kathryn Jordan
David McCrary
Ronnie & Linda McWilliams
Charlsta Smith
Rosalinda Strickland
Janice Sutton
Terry & Karen Taylor
Jon & Dottie Vandagriff
Peeranut Visetsuth
Martin & Jamie Wilbanks
Mack & Gloria Young
Thank you to the following donors for their generous gifts to the WC Foundation during the 2015 calendar year:
Benefactors ($10,000 and above)
James and Dorothy Doss Foundation
Dr. Sumant and Mrs. Sheila A. Kumar
Michael Feely Memorial Scholarship
Dan and Marsha Feely
Plains Capital Bank
Richard and Nancy Stuart Rena Mae Woody
Mary Zielinski Estate
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Marjorie Kimbrough Dome Carol Eppright
Ezelle Ashworth Trust
Fisher & Phillips, Attorneys at Law
Dr. Barbara and Jim McGregor
Rusty Arnold Scholarship Fund
Dr. Allan Saxe
Steele & Freeman, Inc.
Weatherford Regional Medical Center
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Brent and Elizabeth Baker CBRE
David and Becky Daniel
Jeffrey Dixon
Dr. Kevin and Sheila Eaton
First National Bank
Aubrey and Diane Irwin
Jerry Durant Auto Group
Margaret Johnson
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Derek and Lonna Leach
Lone Star Coaches
Frank and Kay Martin
Melvyn McRee
Jerry and Janie Neighbors
Wayne Garrett
Bob and Carolyn Glenn
Pat and Sharon Hamilton
Herring Bank
Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford
Dennis Hooks
Ruth Huse
Prosperity Bank
Snow Garrett Williams
Southwest Auto Group
Southwestern Exposition & Livestock Show
Dr. James H. Tatum
Teskey's Circle T Saddlery
Texas Book Company
Michael Welborn
Dr. Mike and Avalon White
Lone Star Coaches
Partners ($500 to $999)
Dr. Richard and Pat Bowers John and Andra Cantrell
Sam Coody
Decatur Lions Club
Edward Jones - Brent A. Gough
Tonya Edwards
Dr. Mark and Sarah Eidson
Jack Grimes
Nova Copy
Pediatric Rehab
Arnold Pitchford
Pullian Pools
Susan Randall
Mark and Debby Riebe
Weatherford Noon Lions Club
Affiliates ($100 to $499)
Jolene Applegate
Dr. Arleen Atkins
Barbara Baker-Morrison
Kathy Bassham
Kathy and David Boswell
Abby Davis
Jim and Susan Duncan
Tiare Edmundson
Alan and Katie Edwards
Michael and Christine Endy
Laura Ferguson
Lisa Flowers
Fort Worth Community Credit Union
Paul and Ann Fuller
GE Foundation
Joy George
Beverly and Jay Gibbs
Bud and Betty Jo Graber
Gail Greenfield
Roger and Jeanine Grizzard
Jacy and Charles Guynes
Dr. Rickey Harman
Gary and Jeanie Hobbs
Joy Holcomb
Darlyne Hughes
Theresa Hutchison
Jerry Durant Toyota, Granbury
Christopher and Lauren Jones
Mark and Janet Jones
Rep. Phil and Terry KingJanetta Kruse
Joseph Lewis
Christel Brenner
Ellie Broughton
Dr. Shirley and Edwin Chenault
Rebecca Ciolek
Jim and Myrlan Coleman
Sue Coody
Mike and Linda Lindsey
C. Lowrance
Jared McElhaney
Gaylyn Mendoza
Casey Mitchell
Mary Morgan
Paschall Insurance Group
Carol Patak
Evelyn Payne
Ranparr, Inc.
Dr. William and Paula Roddy
Michelle Segura
Frances Skiles
Kathy Smith
Charlsta Smith
Wilda Ruth Sommer
Brad and D'Linda Tibbitts
Helen Tidwell
Joy and Patsy Tison
Rhonda Torres
Frances Trussell
Jon and Dottie Vandagriff
Charles and Linda Wakefield
Kathy P. Williams
Tom Wells
Ralph Willingham
Rhonda Zara
Supporters (up to $99)
Dr. Leon Abbott
Debbie Alexander
Pamela Allison
Angie Atkins
Mildred Beard
Marilee Bennett
Paul and Mary Ann Beverung
Carolyn Boggs
Teresa Brock
Beth Brock
Crystal Brown
Sheryl Brown
Becki Byrd
Ashley Chapman
Donna K. Cox
Donna R. Cox
Stevie Dahl
Pam Davis
Marcia DeChiara
Jennifer Dempsey
Judd Duncan
Stephenie Fields
Adam Finley
Joseph Flanagin
Brenda Frazier
Brandon Garrett
Diane Slocum
Ashley Strauss
Phyllis Tiffin
Nalita Ann Vaughn
Chloe Walker
Donna Ware
Julia Watson
Jo Ellen Welborn
Michelle Gist
Anna C. Gordon
Christina Grudzinski
Nikki Harless
Heather Horne
Loretta Huddleston
Joy Hudson
Matthew Trey Jansen
Suzanne Jary
Cathy Johnson
John C. Johnson
Marsha Johnson
Kelsey Jones
Marnita Langford
Tamanda Lehr
Jenny London
Michael McGough
Tami Van Meeteren
Jenny Miller
Julie Moeller
Lela Morris
Carrie Noll
Casey Norton
Janice Odom
Joyce Pages
Debra Sears
Kimberly Shubert
Lisa D. Simons
Stacy Sloan
Lisa Welch
Billie Williams
Kathy Williams
Melinda Wilson
James Wood
Dinah Wren
Linda Wynn
Thank you to the following donors for their generous gifts to the WC Foundation during the 2014 calendar year:
Benefactors ($10,000 and above)
Margaret Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Sumant Kumar
Plains Capital Bank
Rusty Arnold Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Allan Saxe
Richard and Nancy Stuart
Patrons ($2,500 to $9,999)
Ben E. Keith Company
Craig Crawford Memorial Scholarship
Marjorie Dome
Dr. Kevin and Sheila Eaton
Roy and Jeannine Eaton
Ezelle Ashworth Trust
Dan and Marsha Feely
Fisher & Phillips LLC, Attorneys at Law
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Don Majka
Dr. Barbara and Jim McGregor
PNC Institutional Investments
Jerry Reynolds
Carol Hand Ritter
Gary and Linda Snow
Southwest Auto Group
Texas Book Company
Kay Vincent
Gail Wright
Associates ($1,000 to $2,499)
Brent and Elizabeth Baker Kathy and David Boswell
Tonya Edwards
First Financial Bank
First National Bank of Weatherford
Wayne and Sharon Garrett
Bob and Carolyn Glenn
Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford
Pat and Sharon Hamilton
Dr. Luke Haynes
Dennis Hooks
HUB International Insurance Services
Ruth Huse
Dr. Richard and Pat Bowers
Andra and John Cantrell
David and Becky Daniel
Jerry Durant Auto Group
Lone Star Coaches
Frank and Kaye Martin
Jerry and Janie Neighbors
Prosperity Bank Southwestern Exposition & Livestock Show
Steele & Freeman, Inc.
Dr. James H. Tatum
WC Basketball Booster Club
Dr. Mike and Avalon White
Partners ($500 to $999)
Dr. Leon Abbott
Dr. Arleen Atkins
Kathy Bassham
Sam Coody
Edward Jones - Brent A. Gough
Katie and Alan Edwards
Michael and Christine Endy
First Financial Trust Bud and Betty Jo Graber
Dr. Christopher and Lauren Jones
Cheryl Livengood
Norman W. Morton
Progressive Waste Solutions
Mark and Debby Riebe
Dr. David Russell
Snow Garrett Williams
Brad and D'Linda Tibbitts
Rhonda and Leonard Torres
Charles and Linda Wakefield
Weatherford Regional Medical Center
Affiliates ($100 to $499)
Debbie Alexander
Linda Bagwell
Barbara Baker-Morrison
Christel Brenner
Terry Brock
Mike and Sheryl Brown
Becki Byrd
Dr. Shirley and Edwin Chenault
Rebecca Ciolek
Myrlan and Jim Coleman
Sue Coody
Tiare Edmundson
Johnny Emmons
Carol Eppright
Sharlyn Fagan
Stephenie Fields
Adam Finley
Joseph Flanagin
Cyrus Fletcher
Fort Worth Community Credit Union
Beverly and Jay Gibbs
Go4 Him Ministries, Inc.
Dot Guess
Kyle and Imogene Hahn
Nikki Harless
Dr. Molly and Mark Harris
Sandra Hartnitt
Jeanie and Gary Hobbs
Loretta Huddleston
Theresa and Andy Hutchison
Frances Trussell
Jon and Dottie Vandagriff
WC A.D.N. Class
Weatherford Democrat
Jo Ellen Welborn
Jolene Applegate
Angie Atkins
Janetta Kruse
Lonna and Derek Leach
Joseph Lewis
Lone Star Ag Credit
Dr. Pat McLeod
Gaylyn Mendoza
Casey Mitchell
Julie Moeller
Mary Morgan
Janice Odom
Carol Patak
Evelyn and Leon Payne
Carol Quimby
Sara Reaves
Rep. Phil King
Joanne Richardson
Dr. William and Paula Roddy
Steven Sandidge
Lisa D. Simons
Diane Slocum
Angela Smith
Charlsta Smith
Kathy Smith
Teresa Smith
Marilyn St. Clair
Stanley Stough
Dr. Scott Tarnowieckyi
The Bill Coody Family
Phyllis Tiffin
Lisa Welch
Kathy Williams
Kathy P. Williams
James Wood
Linda Wynn
Supporters (up to $99)
Jared Abraham
Justin Allen
Glenda Aslin
JoAnn Barnhart
Mildred Beard
Marilee Bennett
Angela Berry
Beth Brock
Ellie Broughton
Tracy Butler
Dr. Sue Casey
Judge Don Chrestman
Bernadean Connell
Donna K. Cox
Donna R. Cox
Rachel Crockett
Pam Davis
Jennifer Dempsey
Judd Duncan
Diane Elliott
Vanessa Mueller
Carrie Noll
Veronica Orand
Dr. Joyce Pages
Amy Patton
Susan Randall
Brenda Ridge
Dr. Linda Robinson
Linda Frye
Brandon Garrett
Earl and Gary Lou Geddes
Ashton Gill
Michelle Gist
Amberly Griffin
Andrew Ha
Jim Handy
Heather Horne
Seth Huddleston
Joy Hudson
Suzanne Jary
Corrina Kaltenrieder
Lindsey Kennimer
Rick Kline
Marnita Langford
Jenny London
Michael McGough
Tom McKelvey
Carlynn Messer
Jenny Miller
Tami Russell
Debbie Sears
Elizabeth Stewart
Ashley Strauss
Martha Tandy
Stephen Tuttle
Weatherford High School Class of 1953
Dinah Wren