Notice of Deadline to File an Application for Place on the Ballot 2025

Board Election General Information

Mailing address (direccion postal):
Weatherford College
Office of the President
225 College Park Drive
Weatherford, TX 76086

Phone number (numero de telefono):

Email address (direccion de correro electronico):

Elected officers (oficialies electos) and year term expires (ano en que el mandato):

Mary Beth Dennie (2025)
Judy McAnally (2025)
Dan Carney (2027)
Dr. Trev Dixon (2027)
Doug Dowd (2027)
G.B. Bailey (2029)
Lela Morris (2029)
Dr. Robert Marlett (appointed by Wise County Commissioners)

Date of next officer election (fecha de la proxima eleccion de official):
May 3, 2025

Location of next officer election (ubicacion de la proxima eleccion de official):
To be determined by the Parker County Elections Office

Candidates file applications at:
Weatherford College
Nan and Bob Kingsley Building
1710 Martin Drive
Weatherford, TX

Candidate eligibility requirements (requisitos de elegibilidad del candidato):

See WC Policy BBA(Legal)


  • Deadline to file candidate application for regular election is Friday, February 14, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (La fecha límite para presentar una solicitud de candidato para las elecciones generales es el viernes 14 de febrero de 2025 a las 5:00 p.m.)