WC board extends president’s contract, cancels May election
The Weatherford College Board of Trustees approved the extension of President Tod Allen Farmer’s contract, the purchase of property, the cancellation of the May election and the 2024-25 tuition and fees at its March meeting on Thursday.
Following an executive session, the board approved an eight percent increase in Farmer’s salary plus a $25,000 retention bonus as well as business and personal use of the college’s Chevy Tahoe. They also extended his contract by one year to March 15, 2028.
Farmer has served as WC’s president since 2018. He is the 20th president of the institution and is the first WC alumnus to serve in that role.
“Serving as president of Weatherford College has been a dream come true,” Farmer said. “I deeply love the people of this noble institution, and I intend to collaboratively serve with them for many years to come.”
The board also ratified the purchase of 1403 Sloan Street at $190,000.
During the regular session, the board approved the cancellation of the May 3 board of trustee's election. Place 1 and Place 2 were scheduled to be on the ballot this year, but as candidates for both positions were unopposed, the board was able to save money by forgoing the election.
Mary Beth Dennie filed to continue serving in Place 1 and Tom Vick filed for Place 2, currently held by Judy McAnally who did not file for re-election.
Both candidates may be sworn in after the canvassing of votes occurs in mid-May. The first regular board meeting for both trustees is June 12.
There are eight places on the WC board, seven from Parker County and one from Wise County. Terms are six years in length.
The board also approved the 2025-26 tuition and fee schedule as well as Canyon West Golf Course rate changes.
There is no change in tuition and fee rates for the next academic year per a freeze imposed by Governor Greg Abbott for the 2025-26 and 2026-27 academic years for all Texas colleges and universities.
Golf course rates were increased and include a $3,200 annual membership, $62 cost for an 18-hole round on weekends and $53 for Monday through Thursday.
A full listing of rates is available at canyonwestgolf.com. The new golf rates are effective April 7.
In other business, the board:
- Approved the minutes from the Feb. 13 meeting.
- Approved the financial reports ending Feb. 28.
- Approved the quarterly investment report.
- Approved budget amendment No. 1
- Approved a TIPS cooperative contraction quotation from Professional Tree Care Group for tree trimming and brush clearing services.
- Received written reports from WC Wise County, academics and a student services update.
- Received an update from Mary Tagle, the recipient of the Community College Baccalaureate Association Scholarship, and Dr. Leslie Hancock, director of the bachelor’s program in education.
In his report, President Tod Allen Farmer:
- Recognized the vocational nursing program for the 100 percent pass rate on the Texas Board of Nursing licensure exam.
- Recognized the outstanding performance of Coyote athletics with six nationally ranked teams and both men’s and women’s basketball currently competing in the regional tournament.
- Recognized the faculty, staff and students who ensured the success of the annual Jack Harvey Academy of Exemplary Teachers.
- Congratulated Dr. Shannon Ydoyaga on a Texas Workforce Commission grant for $1.1 million to help students with childcare costs.
- Announced the resignations of Jimmy Walker, manager of student housing, and Dr. Piotr Windyga, department chair for information technology.