Report Made

  • Title IX Coordinator reviews report and notifies appropriate College Administrators.
  • Title IX Coordinator follows up with the individual(s) who submitted the report for more information, and then follows up with the reporting party (complainant). 

Intake / Initial Conversation with Reporting Student

  • Title IX Coordinator meets with Reporting Party and discusses student’s role at the college, student’s options in moving forward, safety concern, and interim remedies.
  • Title IX Coordinator will implement any interim remedies requested (or deemed necessary to stop, remedy, and prevent sex discrimination) at this time.
  • If the Reporting Party requests to file a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will initiate an investigative team to the case.
  • If the Reporting Party requests to file criminal charges, the Title IX Coordinator will assist the student in doing so.
  • If the Reporting Party does not wish to file a complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will assess the risks to the campus community through an exploratory investigation.

Investigation Preparation

  • Title IX Coordinator will discuss the report with appropriate investigators and determine how the investigation will take place.

Investigation and Report Development

  • Investigative team will reach out to the students involved to request appointments for interviews.  Notification of charges and potential sanctions will occur. 
  • Investigators conduct investigations with all parties involved in the case.
  • Investigators debrief with Title IX Coordinator after each interview to discuss safety concerns, interim remedies requested or deemed necessary, and to ensure students are receiving due process and a prompt, fair, and equitable process.
  • Title IX Coordinator follows up with students regarding any interim remedies requested and provides updates to each party.
  • Investigative Report is developed. 


  • Title IX Coordinator reviews the Investigative Report and determines how the case should proceed.
  • Not sufficient evidence to render a decision.
  • Find the responding party responsible based on a preponderance of evidence standard and issue appropriate sanctions.
  • Find the responding party not-responsible based on a preponderance of evidence standard. 
  • In cases in which the facts of the case are disputed, forward to appropriate appeals committee for review.
  • Forward recommendation to the appropriate administrator.
  • The Responding Party has the option of utilizing the informal resolution process by acknowledge wrongdoing and accepting sanctions (reporting party must agree).
  • Both parties are notified of the outcome. Appeal process become available to both parties once decision is final. 


  • A petition for appeal must be submitted to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services within 7 business days after delivery of the written decision.
  • Either party has the right to an appeal if proper grounds for an appeal exist. 
  • Vice President of Instruction and Student Services will communicate with the students for interview and render final decision within ten business days. 
  • All students have the right to contact the President.


Title IX & Non-Discrimination